
Tuesday, February 01, 2011


So the Family History Writing Challenge begins today and I’m faced with a bit of
a dilemma: I hadn’t come up with something new to write about. The problem is
I’ve been at this blogging business for four years now and I’m closing in on post
#900 so there’s quite a bit I’ve already written about before on my family. But on
the other hand, there are places and events that fall in between what I’ve written  
that I want to write about and that might necessitate repeating the information in
those previous posts. Doing so might make for a more coherent narrative but I
run the risk of boring those readers already familiar with the stories.

Recently I mentioned that I wanted to pass along my memories of my parents
and other relatives to my niece and nephews. It’s that desire that has swayed
me to the decision to go ahead and repeat myself anyway. I’ll write a series of
posts entitled “Memories” and write it in chronological order. Since I’m committed
to writing 250 words a day, I’ll include the word count for each entry in parentheses
at the conclusion of each entry.

This doesn’t mean I won’t be writing about other things as well. Anything else that
I write having to do with my family history will also include the word count. But at
least this way, if you see the “Memories” heading, you’re forewarned that you may
have read some of the information before and you can skip reading it!



Claudia said...

With all the blogs out there to read most people, including me. would have forgotten a lot of stories. With the exception of a juicy scandle.

Carol said...

Bring em on, re-reading is a very good thing, and as Claudia points out, some of us may have missed the first presentation.

Kristin said...

I look forward to reading your stories in chronological order. and thanks for reminding me that i need to write 250 words today!