
Thursday, April 24, 2008


Well, the road to Hingham is paved with good intentions, so
to speak, so although I'd intended to return to the FHC last
Thursday, I wasn't able to steer Ping over that way until
today, two weeks later.

I seached the microfilm drawer for "States" but although
there were 2 rolls of the 1900 Census for Plymouth there,
there was no vital records or church records for the early
19th century that might have information on the elusive
John Cutter West. So I ordered in the church records for
the Second Church of Plymouth. The lady at the desk took
a quick look on her computer for John Cutter West and
gave a soft "oh my!" when I explained that there was no
record yet found of John Cutter's birth or parents. One thing
I will remember for future ordering is to bring smaller bills
than a $20 bill to pay for the ordered film.

So it wasn't an overly successful trip. The rest of the early
afternoon was spent at the laundromat. If I couldn't clean
up a genealogy mystery, at least I could clean my jeans!

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