
Saturday, December 21, 2019


Blog caroling is a tradition started by geneablogger footnoteMaven
In past years the Christmas carols I've chosed to share here  have some times reflected my interest in medieval history or my English and Irish  roots. This year, in view of having pushed my German roots back a few more generations, I thought I'd pick one with German origins..

There are many versions of "O Christmas Tree" which is based on the German "O Tannebaum", a folk song that originally was not about a Christmas tree. I chose this one:

O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Your leaves are so unchanging
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Your leaves are so unchanging

Not only green when
Summer’s here
But also when it’s cold and drear
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Your leaves are so unchanging

O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Much pleasure you do give me
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Much pleasure you do give me

How often has the Christmas tree
Given me the greatest glee
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Much pleasure you do give me

From top to bottom
You’re so bright
There’s only splendor for the sight
O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Your lights are shining brightly

O Christmas tree,
O Christmas tree
Your lights are shining brightly

1 comment:

Linda Stufflebean said...

I also wrote a blog caroling post this year. I miss footnoteMaven's challenge. Glad to see you, too, enjoy the blog carols.