Regina over at Kinfolk News has presented me with a Kreativ Blogger Award! Thanks for the honor, Regina!
The rules say I have to list seven things about myself and then choose seven other award winners. So here it goes:
I hate snow. A horrible thing for a native New Englander to say, I know.
I miss having a dog or cat but since I rent it’s cheaper not to have pets and less messy. And it wouldn’t be fair to a pet to leave them locked up here alone while I’m at work.
I enjoy the younger kids I meet at the bookstore. I’m talking the toddlers who are just starting to explore their world. I also get a kick out of calling the kids “sir” or “ma’am” just to see the expressions on their faces when they are addressed as an adult.
I don’t read as much as I used to read. I blame the internet.
I drink tea more than coffee now. Go figure.
I have only driven in Boston twice in my life. God had men invent subway systems for a reason and who am I not to make use of them ?
And now to pass on the award:
Heather Wilkinson Rojo at Nutfield Genealogy
Polly Fitzgerald Kimmit at Pollyblog
Barbara Poole at Life From The Roots
Amy Coffin at We Tree
Carol at Reflections From The Fence
Herstoryan at Herstoryan
T.K. Sand at Before My Time
Thanks again, Regina!
UPDATE-Katie O. over at You Are Where You Came From has honored me
as well withthe Kreativ Blogger Award! Thank you, Katie!
Wow! Thanks Bill! I read your blog everyday, and I've learned a lot about blogging from your posts. I enjoyed participating in your poetry challenge and some of the other things you put out there for your fellow genealogy bloggers. Gracias!
Thank you for the award! It is much appreciated.
Wow, thank you! You are so sweet to think of me! I really appreciate it. I love following your blog! :)
Thanks so much, Bill. I have a lot to learn from you long-timers!
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