A blog about genealogy and thoughts about the various roots and branches of my family tree as well as the times in which my ancestors lived.Included are the West, White,and McFarland families.WARNING:DO NOT TAKE ALL OF MY FAMILY RECORDS AS GOSPEL. ALWAYS CONFIRM YOUR OWN RESEARCH!
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Welcome to this year's Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge! The submissions this year are excellent and range from in location from the Carpathian Mountains to the Great Plains, and in time from the 18th to the 21st centuries.
You have some great reading ahead of you.
Dorene Paul starts us off with Verse in Honor of Sandusky Pioneers, an anonymous poem that was found in an old scrapbook. Dorene's ancestors were among the early settlers of the area of Ohio she lives in. The poem is posted at her blog, Graveyard Rabbit of Sandusky,Ohio.
Tragic shipwrecks were a favorite subject of narrative poems for New England poets. Lori Thornton, The Smoky Mountain Family Historian chose The Wreck of Rivermouth by John Greenleaf Whittier for her submission to the Challenge because it mentions one of her ancestors and it takes place in Hampton, N.H. where he lived. The post's title is Hampton, New Hampshire, in Poem
One of the things I like about reading blogs is that they help me learn new things. For example, in distant cousin Janice Brown's post at Cow Hampshire, 2019: The 11th Annual Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge, I learned about a part of New Hampshire I'd never heard of before. Her submission is Moses Gage Shirley's Poem Moonlight on the Uncanoonucs.
Next, Linda Stufflebean has been researching her European ancestry lately which centers around the Carpathian Mountain area. Her ancestors were Rusyn (which is not Russian) and one of the figures of Russyn culture was a priest, Alexander Duchnovic, who wrote a hymn, I Was Rusyn. You can read it in The 11th Annual Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge with Bill West at Empty Branches on the Family Tree.
Poet Allen Rizzi's poem Ponokáómitaa was first written in the Native American language Siksika and then translated into English. It was inspired by Allen's grandfather who spent time with the Blackfeet Indians. There is also a link that will let you listen to the poem.it is a beautiful piece.
Of course Thanksgiving has a special significance to those of us who have ancestors who were Mayflower passengers. June Stearns Butka of Dame Gussie's Genealogy reflects on the emotions those immigrants may have felt in her poem Mayflower Remembered.
Challenge newcomer Lacie P of Sharing Their Stories has ancestors that settle along the Susquehanna River on both the New York and Pennsylvania sides. You'll find the
poem Susquehanna in the post 11th Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge
The owner of the Tangled Roots blog has been researching the Kentucky ancestry of her adopted child so her contribution in Kentucky Poetry is two poems by Kentucky writers; Tell Me a Story by Robert Penn Warren, and Paddle Your Own Canoe by Sarah Bolton.
Blogger Kin Connect of Princes, Paupers, Pilgrims & Pioneers is proud of their Scots ancestry, so for their post Genealogy Poetry Challenge: Scotland they chose My Heart’s in the Highlands by the immortal Robert Burns, There's also a bunch of beautiful photos included!
Year end newsletters are a tradition is some families, a way to let relatives know what has been going on during the year. Barbara Poole's Mom sent them out in poetic form for twenty years, and recently discovered four written back in the mid-1980's. You can see the images and read the poems in her post 11th Annual Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge! at the Life From The Roots blog.
Heather Wilkinson Rojo has submitted poems written by her British born grandmother Bertha Louise (Robert) Wilkinson for previous Challenges and I've enjoyed them all. They display a certain down
to earth outlook on life. This year's entry at Nutfield Genealogy is "The School of Life" For Bill West's Annual Genealogy Poetry Challenge.
Finally, for my poem, I chose Mending Wall by Robert Frost. There are so many stone walls here in New England they've become emblematic of the region, My Dad's family has lived here for nearly 400 years now, so whenever I see a stone wall in this part of Plymouth County, I wonder if one of my ancestors or relatives had built it!
And that does it for this year's Challenge! Thank you to the participants for such great blogposts and poems.
Please take the time to read this years entries, and when you do, please leave a comment to let each blogger know how much you enjoyed their posts!
I deleted the Poetry Challenge draft. I will have to rebuild the post
from scratch as it can't be recovered. So the new version won't be
posted until tomorrow or Saturday.
My apologies to the participants. I hit the wrong button. I plead old age.
My apologies to the participants. I hit the wrong button. I plead old age.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Now that the John Cutter West brickwall has come down, I have new
branches of the family to explore. Recently I took advantage of the week
of free access to all the databases at the AmericanAncestors.org
website to fill in some gaps. Many of my early West ancestors came from
Barnstable County, Massachusetts and so far I hadn't found many
documents online for them, but there were databases on AmericanAncestors
that I was able to see during that free access week.
So I started in on investigating the family of my 5x great grandmother Sarah (Hamilton) West, tracing it back with vital records, probate files and town and family histories. Much to my surprise and delight, I found another connection to Mayflower passenger Stephen Hopkins. I had previously discovered one with his daughter Constance (Hopkins) Snow; this new one was was with his son Gyles/Giles Hopkins. Here's a relationship from Gyles/Giles to my Dad:
As I said, there are vital records and probate files for many of the people in this line, and I'll be discussing them here as I go along. But I found other family lines that I will list in the next posts.
So I started in on investigating the family of my 5x great grandmother Sarah (Hamilton) West, tracing it back with vital records, probate files and town and family histories. Much to my surprise and delight, I found another connection to Mayflower passenger Stephen Hopkins. I had previously discovered one with his daughter Constance (Hopkins) Snow; this new one was was with his son Gyles/Giles Hopkins. Here's a relationship from Gyles/Giles to my Dad:
As I said, there are vital records and probate files for many of the people in this line, and I'll be discussing them here as I go along. But I found other family lines that I will list in the next posts.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Whenever I am talking or writing about my Mayflower descent, for some
ironic reason I always forget about Remember Allerton. The reason for the
irony is that both my Dad's parents were Allerton descendants: Pop from
Remember Allerton and Grandma Bertha from Mary Allerton.:
Allerton #1 through Ellingwood Line
Isaac Allerton & Mary Norris
Remember Allerton & Moses Maverick
Abigail Maverick & Samuel Ward
Martha Ward & John Tuthill(Tuttle)
Martha Tuthill(Tuttle) & Mark Haskell
Martha Haskell & John Safford
Ruth Safford & Samuel Haskell
Martha Haskell & Moses Houghton
Sally Houghton & James Thomas Dunham
Florilla Dunham & Asa Freeman Ellingwood
Clara Ellingwood & Phillip Jonathan West
Floyd Earl West Sr & Cora B Barker
Floyd Earl West Jr & Anne Marie White
Allerton #2 through Barker Line
Isaac Allerton & Mary Norris
Mary Allerton & Thomas Cushman
Sarah Cushman & Adam Hawkes
John Hawkes & Mary(Margery)Whitford
Eva Hawkes & John Bancroft Eunice Hawkes & Jacob Walton
John Bancroft & Mary Walton
Sally(Sarah)Bancroft & Francis Upton
Hannah Upton & Cyrus Moore
Betsey Jane Moore & Amos Hastings Barker
Charlotte Lovenia Barker & Frank W Barker
Cora B, Barker & Floyd Earl Wesrt Sr
Floyd Earl West Jr and Anne Marie White.
My Warren ancestry comes through my Ames line
Warren #1 Through Ames Line
Richard Warren & Elizabeth (?)
Mary Warren & Robert Bartlett
Mary Bartlett & Jonathan Mowrey(Morey)
Hannah Mowrey(Morey) & John Bumpas
Mary Bumpas & Seth Ellis
Mary Ellis & Ephraim Griffith
John Griffith & Mary Boyden
Polly Griffith & Jonathan Phelps Ames
Arvilla S. Ames & John Cutter West
John Cutter West & Louisa Richardson
Phillip Jonathan West & Clara Ellingwood
Floyd Earl West Sr & Cora B Barker
Floyd Earl West Jr and Anne Marie White.
Warren #2 Through Dunham Line:
Richard Warren & Elizabeth (LNU)
Ann Warren & Thomas Little
Hannah Little & Stephen Tilden
Mary Tilden & James Thomas
John Thomas & Abigail Dunham
Mary Thomas & John Dunham
James Dunham & Cynthia Packard
James Thomas Dunham & Sally Houghton
Florilla Dunham & Asa Ellingwood
Clara Ellingwood & Philip J West
Floyd E West Sr & Cora Bertha Barker
ironic reason I always forget about Remember Allerton. The reason for the
irony is that both my Dad's parents were Allerton descendants: Pop from
Remember Allerton and Grandma Bertha from Mary Allerton.:
Allerton #1 through Ellingwood Line
Isaac Allerton & Mary Norris
Remember Allerton & Moses Maverick
Abigail Maverick & Samuel Ward
Martha Ward & John Tuthill(Tuttle)
Martha Tuthill(Tuttle) & Mark Haskell
Martha Haskell & John Safford
Ruth Safford & Samuel Haskell
Martha Haskell & Moses Houghton
Sally Houghton & James Thomas Dunham
Florilla Dunham & Asa Freeman Ellingwood
Clara Ellingwood & Phillip Jonathan West
Floyd Earl West Sr & Cora B Barker
Floyd Earl West Jr & Anne Marie White
Allerton #2 through Barker Line
Isaac Allerton & Mary Norris
Mary Allerton & Thomas Cushman
Sarah Cushman & Adam Hawkes
John Hawkes & Mary(Margery)Whitford
Eva Hawkes & John Bancroft Eunice Hawkes & Jacob Walton
John Bancroft & Mary Walton
Sally(Sarah)Bancroft & Francis Upton
Hannah Upton & Cyrus Moore
Betsey Jane Moore & Amos Hastings Barker
Charlotte Lovenia Barker & Frank W Barker
Cora B, Barker & Floyd Earl Wesrt Sr
Floyd Earl West Jr and Anne Marie White.
My Warren ancestry comes through my Ames line
Warren #1 Through Ames Line
Richard Warren & Elizabeth (?)
Mary Warren & Robert Bartlett
Mary Bartlett & Jonathan Mowrey(Morey)
Hannah Mowrey(Morey) & John Bumpas
Mary Bumpas & Seth Ellis
Mary Ellis & Ephraim Griffith
John Griffith & Mary Boyden
Polly Griffith & Jonathan Phelps Ames
Arvilla S. Ames & John Cutter West
John Cutter West & Louisa Richardson
Phillip Jonathan West & Clara Ellingwood
Floyd Earl West Sr & Cora B Barker
Floyd Earl West Jr and Anne Marie White.
Warren #2 Through Dunham Line:
Richard Warren & Elizabeth (LNU)
Ann Warren & Thomas Little
Hannah Little & Stephen Tilden
Mary Tilden & James Thomas
John Thomas & Abigail Dunham
Mary Thomas & John Dunham
James Dunham & Cynthia Packard
James Thomas Dunham & Sally Houghton
Florilla Dunham & Asa Ellingwood
Clara Ellingwood & Philip J West
Floyd E West Sr & Cora Bertha Barker
Sunday, November 24, 2019
(( I first posted articles about my Mayflower family descents back in
November 2011 and decided to repost them every year as a Thanksgiving
Back when I first started researching the family genealogy online I was
thrilled to discover we were descended from several Mayflower passengers.
At one point I even carried around a small folded up piece of paper
in my wallet with the lines of descent to show when discussing genealogy
with some customer at the bookstore. But I lost that some time ago, so I
thought I'd post them here for other family members.
The first three lines come down through my Ellingwood ancestry from
Stephen Hopkins, Thomas Rogers, and James Chilton.
Hopkins Line
Stephen Hopkins and Mary____
Constance Hopkins & Nicholas Snow
Elizabeth Snow & Thomas Rogers
Eleazer Rogers & Ruhamah Willis
Experience Rogers & Stephen Totman
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
Rogers Line
Thomas Rogers & Alice Cosford
Joseph Rogers & Hannah___
Thomas Rogers & Elizabeth Snow
Eleazer Rogers & Ruhamah Willis
Experience Rogers & Stephen Totman
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
Chilton Line
James Chilton & ?
Isabella Chilton & Roger Chandler
Sarah Chandler & Moses Simmons
Moses Simmons Jr & Patience Barstow
Patience Simmons & George Barrows
Moses Barrows & Mary Carver
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
November 2011 and decided to repost them every year as a Thanksgiving
Back when I first started researching the family genealogy online I was
thrilled to discover we were descended from several Mayflower passengers.
At one point I even carried around a small folded up piece of paper
in my wallet with the lines of descent to show when discussing genealogy
with some customer at the bookstore. But I lost that some time ago, so I
thought I'd post them here for other family members.
The first three lines come down through my Ellingwood ancestry from
Stephen Hopkins, Thomas Rogers, and James Chilton.
Hopkins Line
Stephen Hopkins and Mary____
Constance Hopkins & Nicholas Snow
Elizabeth Snow & Thomas Rogers
Eleazer Rogers & Ruhamah Willis
Experience Rogers & Stephen Totman
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
Rogers Line
Thomas Rogers & Alice Cosford
Joseph Rogers & Hannah___
Thomas Rogers & Elizabeth Snow
Eleazer Rogers & Ruhamah Willis
Experience Rogers & Stephen Totman
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
Chilton Line
James Chilton & ?
Isabella Chilton & Roger Chandler
Sarah Chandler & Moses Simmons
Moses Simmons Jr & Patience Barstow
Patience Simmons & George Barrows
Moses Barrows & Mary Carver
Deborah Totman & Moses Barrows Jr.
Asa Barrows & Content Benson
Rachel Barrows & John Ellingwood Jr
Asa F. Ellingwood & Florilla Dunham
Clara Ellingwood & Philip West
Floyd West Sr & Clara Barker
Floyd West Jr & Anne M White
Friday, November 22, 2019
((First posted on 22Nov 2016))
On November 22, 1963 I was a sophomore at Abington High School here in Abington, Ma. It was
near the end of the school day, and I was in my last class, American History with Mr Smith. Suddenly
the door at the back of the room opened and Mr.Divoll walked in from his room and told us the
president had been shot.
Mr. Divoll was the Drama Coach as well as a history teacher and was known to use a little theater in
his classes, so at first I wasn't sure what this was all about. When he said it again, this time using
President Kennedy's name, reality hit me.
I don't remember if we were dismissed from school early that day. I suspect not. School got out for
the day at 2pm and the news that JFK was dead broke around 2:30. So most of us had gone home by
then. Mom usually watched the CBS soap operas so when they switched to live coverage of what had
happened it was Walter Cronkite who told us the awful news.
Two days later my family went to my Uncle Ed's house for Thanksgiving dinner and we heard on the
car radio that Jack Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald.
Of course the whole country was in shock but JFK's death really hit New England hard, especially
we Irish Roman Catholics. JFK was the first of us elected president, and it was a tremendous source of pride, especially in Massachusetts. His election had been the ultimate triumph of generations of Irish immigrants over anti-Irish Catholic discrimination.
I remember the pictures of the Kennedy children, and watching the funeral procession with the riderless horse. I remember the cadence of the drums.
It was the start of one of the most turbulent eras in our history, but I didn't know it at the time.
On November 22, 1963 I was a sophomore at Abington High School here in Abington, Ma. It was
near the end of the school day, and I was in my last class, American History with Mr Smith. Suddenly
the door at the back of the room opened and Mr.Divoll walked in from his room and told us the
president had been shot.
Mr. Divoll was the Drama Coach as well as a history teacher and was known to use a little theater in
his classes, so at first I wasn't sure what this was all about. When he said it again, this time using
President Kennedy's name, reality hit me.
I don't remember if we were dismissed from school early that day. I suspect not. School got out for
the day at 2pm and the news that JFK was dead broke around 2:30. So most of us had gone home by
then. Mom usually watched the CBS soap operas so when they switched to live coverage of what had
happened it was Walter Cronkite who told us the awful news.
Two days later my family went to my Uncle Ed's house for Thanksgiving dinner and we heard on the
car radio that Jack Ruby had killed Lee Harvey Oswald.
Of course the whole country was in shock but JFK's death really hit New England hard, especially
we Irish Roman Catholics. JFK was the first of us elected president, and it was a tremendous source of pride, especially in Massachusetts. His election had been the ultimate triumph of generations of Irish immigrants over anti-Irish Catholic discrimination.
I remember the pictures of the Kennedy children, and watching the funeral procession with the riderless horse. I remember the cadence of the drums.
It was the start of one of the most turbulent eras in our history, but I didn't know it at the time.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Samuel Haskell Sr.'s wife was Sybil Willard, the great granddaughter of Simon Willard, a hero of King Philip's War. I wrote about Simon ten years ago so I will write now about Sybil's grandfather Henry Willard.
This is from Joseph Willard's family history, The Willard Memoir:
11. Henry, son of Simon and Mary; born at Concord, June 4,1655. He married, first, Mary Lakin, daughter ofLakin, of Groton, July 18, 1674, when at the age of nineteen. She died not later, I think, than 1688. Second, Dorcas Cutler, about 1689, perhaps of the Charlestown family. She survived her husband, and afterwards became the wife of Benjamin Bellows, for many years a resident of Lancaster. Henry Willard died leaving a good estate, and a large heritage of children. He had resided a while in Groton, but spent the principal part of his life in Lancaster, where he died, in middle life, in the year 1701. As several of his sons held highly respectable positions in life, it is a just inference in favor of the character of the parents. No contemporaneous notice of him is known to exist.-p359
Willard Memoir: Or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard; with Notices of Three Generations of His Descendants, and Two Collateral Branches in the United States; Also, Some Account of the Name and Family in Europe from an Early Day Phillips, Sampson, Boston, Ma.1858
Henry did indeed leave a "large heritage of children", fourteen to be exact.Thirteen were with his first wife Mary Lakin/Larkin and one with his second wife Dorcas Cutler. All are mentioned in Henry's will which I found at the AmericanAncestors website and will transcribe eventually.
I'm descended from Henry and Mary's son Joseph Willard.
This is from Joseph Willard's family history, The Willard Memoir:
11. Henry, son of Simon and Mary; born at Concord, June 4,1655. He married, first, Mary Lakin, daughter ofLakin, of Groton, July 18, 1674, when at the age of nineteen. She died not later, I think, than 1688. Second, Dorcas Cutler, about 1689, perhaps of the Charlestown family. She survived her husband, and afterwards became the wife of Benjamin Bellows, for many years a resident of Lancaster. Henry Willard died leaving a good estate, and a large heritage of children. He had resided a while in Groton, but spent the principal part of his life in Lancaster, where he died, in middle life, in the year 1701. As several of his sons held highly respectable positions in life, it is a just inference in favor of the character of the parents. No contemporaneous notice of him is known to exist.-p359
Willard Memoir: Or, Life and Times of Major Simon Willard; with Notices of Three Generations of His Descendants, and Two Collateral Branches in the United States; Also, Some Account of the Name and Family in Europe from an Early Day Phillips, Sampson, Boston, Ma.1858
Henry did indeed leave a "large heritage of children", fourteen to be exact.Thirteen were with his first wife Mary Lakin/Larkin and one with his second wife Dorcas Cutler. All are mentioned in Henry's will which I found at the AmericanAncestors website and will transcribe eventually.
I'm descended from Henry and Mary's son Joseph Willard.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Robert Frost wrote a famous poem, Mending Wall, that was published in 1904; Here it is with some of the photos I've taken over the years.
. Mending Wall
SOMETHING there is that doesn’t love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
The work of hunters is another thing: 5
I have come after them and made repair
Where they have left not one stone on a stone,
But they would have the rabbit out of hiding,
To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean,
No one has seen them made or heard them made, 10
But at spring mending-time we find them there.
I let my neighbour know beyond the hill;
And on a day we meet to walk the line
And set the wall between us once again.
We keep the wall between us as we go. 15
To each the boulders that have fallen to each.
And some are loaves and some so nearly balls
We have to use a spell to make them balance:
“Stay where you are until our backs are turned!”
We wear our fingers rough with handling them. 20
Oh, just another kind of out-door game,
One on a side. It comes to little more:
There where it is we do not need the wall:
He is all pine and I am apple orchard.
My apple trees will never get across 25
And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him.
He only says, “Good fences make good neighbours.”
Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder
If I could put a notion in his head:
“Why do they make good neighbours? Isn’t it 30
Where there are cows? But here there are no cows.
Before I built a wall I’d ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offence.
Something there is that doesn’t love a wall, 35
That wants it down.” I could say “Elves” to him,
But it’s not elves exactly, and I’d rather
He said it for himself. I see him there
Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top
In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed. 40
He moves in darkness as it seems to me,
Not of woods only and the shade of trees.
He will not go behind his father’s saying,
And he likes having thought of it so well
He says again, “Good fences make good neighbours.”
-Robert Frost
North Of Boston 2nd ed. Henry Holt and Company, New York 1915
Monday, November 18, 2019
Last week I found two very interesting old photos over on the FamilySearch website from two different branches of my Dad's family, one from the Barkers and one from the Wests. I'll discuss the West photo in another post.
This is a photo of my 2x great granduncle Tilson W. Barker and his son Alanson Augustus Barker. I think it safe to say this is not your typical Victorian era photograph. I laughed the moment I saw it. It looks like something out of an old silent movie Then I looked closer at the surroundings. There's an ornate rug and the wall behind them looks like tile with a dark border at the base and the rest of the wall tiles are white. Alanson's trousers look to be patterned as well. I'm not sure what tools Tilson is supposedly using.
I am impressed by how sturdy that chair must have been!
Seven years ago I discovered from census records that Tilson was a blacksmith and a maker of coaches. Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 at Ancestry had this:
Here's a summary of what it says:
Capital Invested, in real and personal estate, in the Business $500
Raw Material Used, Including Fuel. Kind of Motor Power,
Quanitities Kinds Value Machinery, etc
2 tons Iron & Steel $120 None
6 sets Carriage Works $175 2 forges
3 tons B Coal $50 None
Average Number of Hands Employed - 1 male
Average Monthly Cost of Male Labor- $40
He produced 6 carriages worth a total of $320 and other work worth $600
That's doing pretty well for that era's economy.
Alanson was born in 1852 and is listed as a farm laborer on the 1880 Census. But in 1900 and 1910 censuses his occupation was a coachman for a private family, which seems logical for the son of a someone who made them. But by 1920 the automobile had taken over and Alanson had become a gardener, possible still working for the same family.
Thanks to "stws" who posted the picture at familySearch and allowed me to post it here.
This is a photo of my 2x great granduncle Tilson W. Barker and his son Alanson Augustus Barker. I think it safe to say this is not your typical Victorian era photograph. I laughed the moment I saw it. It looks like something out of an old silent movie Then I looked closer at the surroundings. There's an ornate rug and the wall behind them looks like tile with a dark border at the base and the rest of the wall tiles are white. Alanson's trousers look to be patterned as well. I'm not sure what tools Tilson is supposedly using.
I am impressed by how sturdy that chair must have been!
Seven years ago I discovered from census records that Tilson was a blacksmith and a maker of coaches. Selected U.S. Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850-1880 at Ancestry had this:
Here's a summary of what it says:
Capital Invested, in real and personal estate, in the Business $500
Raw Material Used, Including Fuel. Kind of Motor Power,
Quanitities Kinds Value Machinery, etc
2 tons Iron & Steel $120 None
6 sets Carriage Works $175 2 forges
3 tons B Coal $50 None
Average Number of Hands Employed - 1 male
Average Monthly Cost of Male Labor- $40
He produced 6 carriages worth a total of $320 and other work worth $600
That's doing pretty well for that era's economy.
Alanson was born in 1852 and is listed as a farm laborer on the 1880 Census. But in 1900 and 1910 censuses his occupation was a coachman for a private family, which seems logical for the son of a someone who made them. But by 1920 the automobile had taken over and Alanson had become a gardener, possible still working for the same family.
Thanks to "stws" who posted the picture at familySearch and allowed me to post it here.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Ancestry sent me the results of a new update to the Ethnicity Estimate of my DNA test. There's been a few changes. Here's the latest version.
Here's the previous update from August 2018;
The main difference is I lost a few points on the Irish and English percentages, and gained new percentages from Norway, France and Spain.
My first Ethnicity Estimate in July 2017 was a bit more exotic:
These were the ethnicities that were lost in the second estimate.
The thing to remember is that these are estimates and may change as the DNA test results become more and more refined.
Here's the previous update from August 2018;
The main difference is I lost a few points on the Irish and English percentages, and gained new percentages from Norway, France and Spain.
My first Ethnicity Estimate in July 2017 was a bit more exotic:
These were the ethnicities that were lost in the second estimate.
The thing to remember is that these are estimates and may change as the DNA test results become more and more refined.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
I first posted this picture of an Air Corps training squad at Ames,Iowa back in 2008.My Dad is in the back row but he washed out because of ear pressure problems.I was fascinated by the names of the other trainees and wondered what had become of them, and if they had families who might want a copy of the photo. So I've reposted it several times over the years in the hopes it could help me contact the families.
This year I reposted it for Veterans Day and it piqued the curiosity of blog reader John Stanley who did some research and sent me an email with quitea bit of information on the men in the photo.
Over the next few days I will use what John found to see if I can get in touch with their survivors.
And it turns out that John and I share connections with four of our ancestors and that he lived in the sane town where my Aunt Flossie and Uncle Herbie lived.
Thank you John for your great work!
I'll post another update after I follow up on this.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
On Veterans Day I like to pay tribute to the members of
our family who have served our country from its birth. I don't
have all the details of the service records, and I'm sure I will
discover more relatives to add later, but this is what I have so far.
American Revolution:
Jonathan Barker Jr. My 4x great grandfather
Was a Minuteman from Methuen Ma with rank of Sergeant.
He responded to Lexington and Concord with his sons
Served in Captain Samuel Johnson's Company in
Colonel Titcomb's Regiment for 2 months in 1777 in Rhode
Island and then with Nathaniel Gage's Company in Colonel
Jacob Gerrish's guards from Dec 1777 tol April 1778 guarding
the captured troops of General Burgoyne.
Jonathan Barker 3rd My 5x great grandfather
Enlisted on 19 Apr 1775 in Continental Army, Capt. John
Davis' Company, Col. James Frye's Regiment, in the
Massachusetts line for 8 months in Cambridge, Ma. At the
conclusion of the term, he reenlisted for another 3 months in
Capt John Allen's Company, Colonel John Waldron's Regiment,
General Sullivan's Brigade in the New Hampshire Brigade at
Charlestown, Ma. He then enlisted a third time in June 1778
at Methuen, Ma., joining Captain Samuel Carr's Company, Col.
James Weston's Regiment, in General Lerned's Brigade at
White Plains, N.Y. and serving for another 9 months.
John Ames My 5x great grandfather
Was a Minuteman under Capt. Asa Parker on April 18th,
1775. He then enlisted in the Continental Army under Captain
Oliver Parker, Col. William Prescott's Regiment and
in the Brigade that was commanded in turn by Generals
Putnam, Lee, and Washington and served for 8 1/2 months.
For a more detailed account of his service see my posts
about his Revolutionary War Pension File starting here.
Asa Barrows My 4x great grandfather
A member of the militia from Middleborough , Ma. (south of
Boston) in the Company of Captain Joshua Benson, in Colonel
Cotton's Regiment, and General William Heath's Brigade for
8 months during the siege of Boston. In December 1776 he
joined a militia Company commanded by Captain Joshua
Perkins and marched to Barrington, R.I. and was stationed
there for 6 weeks. In July 1780 he again enlisted, this time
in a militia company commanded by Captain Perez Churchill
that marched to Tiverton, R.I. I posted about his
Revolutionary War Pension File starting here.
Moses Coburn My 4x great grandfather
Moses Coburn got into the War late and by reason of being
"hired by a certain class of men in the then town of Dunstable
to go into the Continental Army in the summer of 1781."
When he reached Phillipsburgh in New York he was placed in
Captain Benjamin Pike's Company, in the Regiment of the
Massachusetts line commanded by Lt. Colonel Calvin Smith in
which he served for nearly two years until it was broken up.
He then transferred to the Company of Judah Alden in the
Regiment commanded by Colonel Sprouts until his discharge
in 1783.
Samuel Haskell My 5x great grandfather
Samuel served in Captain Joseph Elliott's Company in Colonel
William Turner's Regiment and then under Captain Hezekiah
Whitney in Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment.
Amos Hastings My 5x great grandfather
Amos was responded to the Lexington Alarm as part of
Captain Richard Ayer's Company and Colonel William
Johnson's Regiment. He later served in Captain Timothy
Eaton's Company in Colonel Edward Wigglesworth's Regiment
and was at the taking of the British General Burgoyne at
Elisha Houghton 5x great grandfather
Enlisted at Harvard Ma as a Private in May of 1777 in the
Massachusetts militia and was at the Battles of Bunker Hill
and Stillwater. He then enlisted for three years in the infantry
company commanded by Captain Joshua Brown in Colonel
Timothy Bigelow's 15th Regiment of the Massachusetts line.
and took part in the Battles of Monmouth and Newport and
was at Valley Forge. He twice was promoted to Sergeant and
twice was busted back down to the ranks.
Amos Upton My 5x great grandfather
Responded to the Lexington Alarm and marched there from
his home in Reading. He later joined the militia company
commanded by Captain Asa Prince as an orderly sergeant
and then enlisted for eight months in the Continental Army
under Colonel Mansfield for 8 months. He was at the Battle
of Bunker Hill. He was discharged in October of 1775.
John Griffith My 5x great grandfather
Enlisted in 1781 as a Matross (he swabbed out the barrel of
the cannons after they fired, or so I've been told) in Captain
William Treadwell's Company in Colonel John Crane's
Artillery Regiment.
Reuben Packard My 5x great grandfather
A Sergeant in Captain Josiah Hayden's Company in Colonel
Bailey's militia. They marched to Lexington at news of the
Alarm. He also responded several more times as a Minuteman
for a total of nearly 8 months duty.
Jonathan Abbot My 5x great grandfather
Served as a Sergeant in the Militia under Captain Henry
Abbott and responded to the Lexington Alarm
Samuel Stowe My 5x great grandfather
Minuteman from Sherborn, Ma. Served in Capt. Benjamin Bullard's
Company in Col. Asa Whitcomb's 5th Massachusetts Bay
Provincial Regiment
Besides those direct ancestors, these other relatives fought
in the Revolution:
Moses Barrows, brother to Asa Barrows.
Samuel, Jesse, and Benjamin Barker, sons of Jonathan
Barker, Jr. and brothers to Jonathan Barker 3rd.
James Swan, brother in law to Jonathan Barker.
War of 1812
John Griffith My 5x great grandfather
served in Capt Elias Morse's Company, Col. Holland's Regiment
as part of a artillery company defending Portland, Maine.
Amos Hastings My 5x great grandfather
helped organize the militia in Bethel, Maine and rose
to the rank of Brigadier General of the 2nd Brigade, 13th Division of
the Massachusetts State Militia.
Nathaniel Barker My 3x great grandfather
was a private in the company commanded by Captain William Wheeler
in the Regiment of Militia commanded by Col. Ryerson, which was
stationed at Portland, Maine.
Civil War
Asa Freeman Ellingwood My 2x great grandfather
enlisted in Company I, 5th Maine Infantry, on June 24, 1861.
He was at the First Battle of Bull Run after which he received
a medical discharge in Dec 1861. He reenlisted inCo "A" 9th
Veteran R Corps in September 1864 and served until the end
of the war when he was honorably discharged.
Other relatives who served in the Civil War:
2x great granduncles:
Leonidas West
Enlisted in Company G 12 Maine Infantry Regiment on March 1,
1865. Mustered out on 18Apr 1866
Asa Atwood West
Enlisted in Company F of the Maine Coast Guard.
Oscar Phipps Ellingwood
Enlisted in Company E, New Hampshire 14th Infantry Regiment
23Sept 1862, mustered out 9Sep 1863. Transferred to Company
E, U.S,.Veterans Reserve Corps 21st Infantry Regiment 9Sep 1863,
mustered out 11Jul 1865.
Charles O. Ellingwood
Enlisted 21 Dec 1863 in Company E, 9th New Hampshire Infantry.
Died 13Mar 1864 at Camp Burnside,Kentucky. (18 yrs old)
Henry O. Ellingwood Enlisted 25Oct 1862 Company K, New
Hampshire 16th Infantry Regiment, died 1Mar 1863 in Carollton, La.
Franklin Dunham
Died in the War. Haven't found any details as yet.
Spanish-American War
Hollis J Ellingwood My cousin
Enlisted 2May 1898 in Company A 1st Regiment Maine Infantry
Discharged 28Oct 1898
World War 1
Floyd E West Sr. My grandfather
Enlisted 29Apr 1918. Served in Company K,303rd Infantry. He was a
corpsman at Camp Devens, Ma during the Spanish Influenza outbreak
and was honorably discharged 12 Mar 1919
World War II
Floyd E West Jr My Dad
Enlisted 19 Mar 1943 at 18 years old. After washing out of the Air Corps
Bomber School, he served in the US Army Infantry in the Pacific Theater and
was honorably discharged on 11 Mar 1946 at age 22
Edward F White, Jr. My Uncle
Enlisted in the U.S.Navy on 27Oct 1942 at 17years old. He was honorably
discharged 18Apr 1946, a week before his 21st birthday.
Charles Barger My Uncle
I don't know the specifics of his service yet.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Paul Skarinka My Nephew
our family who have served our country from its birth. I don't
have all the details of the service records, and I'm sure I will
discover more relatives to add later, but this is what I have so far.
American Revolution:
Jonathan Barker Jr. My 4x great grandfather
Was a Minuteman from Methuen Ma with rank of Sergeant.
He responded to Lexington and Concord with his sons
Served in Captain Samuel Johnson's Company in
Colonel Titcomb's Regiment for 2 months in 1777 in Rhode
Island and then with Nathaniel Gage's Company in Colonel
Jacob Gerrish's guards from Dec 1777 tol April 1778 guarding
the captured troops of General Burgoyne.
Jonathan Barker 3rd My 5x great grandfather
Enlisted on 19 Apr 1775 in Continental Army, Capt. John
Davis' Company, Col. James Frye's Regiment, in the
Massachusetts line for 8 months in Cambridge, Ma. At the
conclusion of the term, he reenlisted for another 3 months in
Capt John Allen's Company, Colonel John Waldron's Regiment,
General Sullivan's Brigade in the New Hampshire Brigade at
Charlestown, Ma. He then enlisted a third time in June 1778
at Methuen, Ma., joining Captain Samuel Carr's Company, Col.
James Weston's Regiment, in General Lerned's Brigade at
White Plains, N.Y. and serving for another 9 months.
John Ames My 5x great grandfather
Was a Minuteman under Capt. Asa Parker on April 18th,
1775. He then enlisted in the Continental Army under Captain
Oliver Parker, Col. William Prescott's Regiment and
in the Brigade that was commanded in turn by Generals
Putnam, Lee, and Washington and served for 8 1/2 months.
For a more detailed account of his service see my posts
about his Revolutionary War Pension File starting here.
Asa Barrows My 4x great grandfather
A member of the militia from Middleborough , Ma. (south of
Boston) in the Company of Captain Joshua Benson, in Colonel
Cotton's Regiment, and General William Heath's Brigade for
8 months during the siege of Boston. In December 1776 he
joined a militia Company commanded by Captain Joshua
Perkins and marched to Barrington, R.I. and was stationed
there for 6 weeks. In July 1780 he again enlisted, this time
in a militia company commanded by Captain Perez Churchill
that marched to Tiverton, R.I. I posted about his
Revolutionary War Pension File starting here.
Moses Coburn My 4x great grandfather
Moses Coburn got into the War late and by reason of being
"hired by a certain class of men in the then town of Dunstable
to go into the Continental Army in the summer of 1781."
When he reached Phillipsburgh in New York he was placed in
Captain Benjamin Pike's Company, in the Regiment of the
Massachusetts line commanded by Lt. Colonel Calvin Smith in
which he served for nearly two years until it was broken up.
He then transferred to the Company of Judah Alden in the
Regiment commanded by Colonel Sprouts until his discharge
in 1783.
Samuel Haskell My 5x great grandfather
Samuel served in Captain Joseph Elliott's Company in Colonel
William Turner's Regiment and then under Captain Hezekiah
Whitney in Colonel Josiah Whitney's Regiment.
Amos Hastings My 5x great grandfather
Amos was responded to the Lexington Alarm as part of
Captain Richard Ayer's Company and Colonel William
Johnson's Regiment. He later served in Captain Timothy
Eaton's Company in Colonel Edward Wigglesworth's Regiment
and was at the taking of the British General Burgoyne at
Elisha Houghton 5x great grandfather
Enlisted at Harvard Ma as a Private in May of 1777 in the
Massachusetts militia and was at the Battles of Bunker Hill
and Stillwater. He then enlisted for three years in the infantry
company commanded by Captain Joshua Brown in Colonel
Timothy Bigelow's 15th Regiment of the Massachusetts line.
and took part in the Battles of Monmouth and Newport and
was at Valley Forge. He twice was promoted to Sergeant and
twice was busted back down to the ranks.
Amos Upton My 5x great grandfather
Responded to the Lexington Alarm and marched there from
his home in Reading. He later joined the militia company
commanded by Captain Asa Prince as an orderly sergeant
and then enlisted for eight months in the Continental Army
under Colonel Mansfield for 8 months. He was at the Battle
of Bunker Hill. He was discharged in October of 1775.
John Griffith My 5x great grandfather
Enlisted in 1781 as a Matross (he swabbed out the barrel of
the cannons after they fired, or so I've been told) in Captain
William Treadwell's Company in Colonel John Crane's
Artillery Regiment.
Reuben Packard My 5x great grandfather
A Sergeant in Captain Josiah Hayden's Company in Colonel
Bailey's militia. They marched to Lexington at news of the
Alarm. He also responded several more times as a Minuteman
for a total of nearly 8 months duty.
Jonathan Abbot My 5x great grandfather
Served as a Sergeant in the Militia under Captain Henry
Abbott and responded to the Lexington Alarm
Samuel Stowe My 5x great grandfather
Minuteman from Sherborn, Ma. Served in Capt. Benjamin Bullard's
Company in Col. Asa Whitcomb's 5th Massachusetts Bay
Provincial Regiment
Besides those direct ancestors, these other relatives fought
in the Revolution:
Moses Barrows, brother to Asa Barrows.
Samuel, Jesse, and Benjamin Barker, sons of Jonathan
Barker, Jr. and brothers to Jonathan Barker 3rd.
James Swan, brother in law to Jonathan Barker.
War of 1812
John Griffith My 5x great grandfather
served in Capt Elias Morse's Company, Col. Holland's Regiment
as part of a artillery company defending Portland, Maine.
Amos Hastings My 5x great grandfather
helped organize the militia in Bethel, Maine and rose
to the rank of Brigadier General of the 2nd Brigade, 13th Division of
the Massachusetts State Militia.
Nathaniel Barker My 3x great grandfather
was a private in the company commanded by Captain William Wheeler
in the Regiment of Militia commanded by Col. Ryerson, which was
stationed at Portland, Maine.
Civil War
Asa Freeman Ellingwood My 2x great grandfather
enlisted in Company I, 5th Maine Infantry, on June 24, 1861.
He was at the First Battle of Bull Run after which he received
a medical discharge in Dec 1861. He reenlisted inCo "A" 9th
Veteran R Corps in September 1864 and served until the end
of the war when he was honorably discharged.
![]() |
Asa & Florilla Ellingwood |
Other relatives who served in the Civil War:
2x great granduncles:
Leonidas West
Enlisted in Company G 12 Maine Infantry Regiment on March 1,
1865. Mustered out on 18Apr 1866
Asa Atwood West
Enlisted in Company F of the Maine Coast Guard.
Oscar Phipps Ellingwood
Enlisted in Company E, New Hampshire 14th Infantry Regiment
23Sept 1862, mustered out 9Sep 1863. Transferred to Company
E, U.S,.Veterans Reserve Corps 21st Infantry Regiment 9Sep 1863,
mustered out 11Jul 1865.
Charles O. Ellingwood
Enlisted 21 Dec 1863 in Company E, 9th New Hampshire Infantry.
Died 13Mar 1864 at Camp Burnside,Kentucky. (18 yrs old)
Henry O. Ellingwood Enlisted 25Oct 1862 Company K, New
Hampshire 16th Infantry Regiment, died 1Mar 1863 in Carollton, La.
Franklin Dunham
Died in the War. Haven't found any details as yet.
Spanish-American War
Hollis J Ellingwood My cousin
Enlisted 2May 1898 in Company A 1st Regiment Maine Infantry
Discharged 28Oct 1898
World War 1
Floyd E West Sr. My grandfather
![]() |
Floyd E West Sr. |
Enlisted 29Apr 1918. Served in Company K,303rd Infantry. He was a
corpsman at Camp Devens, Ma during the Spanish Influenza outbreak
and was honorably discharged 12 Mar 1919
World War II
Floyd E West Jr My Dad
Enlisted 19 Mar 1943 at 18 years old. After washing out of the Air Corps
Bomber School, he served in the US Army Infantry in the Pacific Theater and
was honorably discharged on 11 Mar 1946 at age 22
Edward F White, Jr. My Uncle
Enlisted in the U.S.Navy on 27Oct 1942 at 17years old. He was honorably
discharged 18Apr 1946, a week before his 21st birthday.
Charles Barger My Uncle
I don't know the specifics of his service yet.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Paul Skarinka My Nephew
![]() | |
Paul And Jen |
Saturday, November 09, 2019

((I'm reposting this again today for Veterans Day weekend in hopes that perhaps the relatives of the men in the photograph might one day find this picture of their veterans. First posted
June, 2008))
I've posted this photo before. It's from when my Dad was
training for the Air Corps during World War II before he
washed out due to inner ear problems.
On the back is a partial list of names of his fellow trainees,
and I'm posting that image now and my attempt at
transcribing it here in the hopes that the children and
grandchildren of these men might find it someday and see
how they looked in their uniforms before they went off to
Because of the way the men are grouped it's hard for me to
assign names to specific faces. The only two I can are Michael
D. Piper Jr. and Lonnie (or Lennie?) L. Parker (?) standing to
either side of my father Floyd E. West Jr. at the far right end
of the back row. I think the first name is actually Lee Mill
Sanders and that he just signed the list "last name first."
I also noticed that Daniel M. Jeffrey's name appears twice.
The first entry is crossed over so I've assumed that either
someone else had posted the name in the wrong place or he
had done so himself and then corrected his mistake. I've
changed the first entry to "unknown".
So here they are. I wonder how many of them made it
home after the war, and I thank them for their service
to our country.
Sanders Lee Mill Artesia N.M.
Palmer E. Severson Wanooka (?) Minn,
Jerald L. Swan, Beatrice, Nebraska
Helmut Paul Zimmerman, Buffalo, N.Y.
Robert L. Rugg Pueblo, Colorado
Charles H. Parman, Skidmore, Mo.
Bill C. Hays, San Angelo, Texas
Ward L. Warnock, Camden, Ark.
Michael C. Sanborn (?) Port Arthur, Tex.
Bob Moffet, St. Joseph, Mo.
Ross Powill, Ellisville Miss
Daniel M. Jeffrey, Jeanette, La.
Allen D. Bailey, Mpls Minnesota
Jack Sessions Colton, California
Jack Wendt, Pecos, Texas
Burton L. Steele, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Bob E Wick, Denver, Colorado
James H. Trask, Kansas City, Kansas
William E. Green, Eden, Texas
Michael D. Piper Jr., Queen City, Mo.
Floyd E. West
Lonnie (or Lennie?) L. Parker (?), Roswell, New Mex.
Friday, November 08, 2019
Just a reminder that the deadline for this year's Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge is only
two weeks away on 21November.
Once again,here are the rules;
1. Find a poem by a poet, famous or obscure, about the region
one of your ancestors lived in. It can be about an historical event, a
legend, a person, or even about some place (like a river)or a local
animal. It can even be a poem you or one of your ancestors have written.
0r, if you prefer, post the lyrics of a song or a link to a video of someone
performing the song.
2. Post the poem or song to your blog (remembering to cite the source
where you found it.). If you wish to enter an older post, you may as long
as it has not appeared here in an earlier Poetry Challenge.
3.Tell us how the subject of the poem or song relates to your ancestor's
home or life, or the area of the country where they lived.
4.Submit your post's link here to me in a comment or send me an emaill
by midnight Thursday, November 21st and I'll publish all links to the entries
on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th
5. If you submit a humorous poem or song that will be entered under the
"Willy Puckerbrush" division. Willy was the late geneablogger Terry
Thornton's alias for some humorous posts and comments.
There you have it. You have two months to find your poem and post it to your
blogs. I will be waiting to see what you come up with this year!
two weeks away on 21November.
Once again,here are the rules;
1. Find a poem by a poet, famous or obscure, about the region
one of your ancestors lived in. It can be about an historical event, a
legend, a person, or even about some place (like a river)or a local
animal. It can even be a poem you or one of your ancestors have written.
0r, if you prefer, post the lyrics of a song or a link to a video of someone
performing the song.
2. Post the poem or song to your blog (remembering to cite the source
where you found it.). If you wish to enter an older post, you may as long
as it has not appeared here in an earlier Poetry Challenge.
3.Tell us how the subject of the poem or song relates to your ancestor's
home or life, or the area of the country where they lived.
4.Submit your post's link here to me in a comment or send me an emaill
by midnight Thursday, November 21st and I'll publish all links to the entries
on Thanksgiving Day, November 28th
5. If you submit a humorous poem or song that will be entered under the
"Willy Puckerbrush" division. Willy was the late geneablogger Terry
Thornton's alias for some humorous posts and comments.
There you have it. You have two months to find your poem and post it to your
blogs. I will be waiting to see what you come up with this year!
My 10x great grandfather Walter Tybott did very well for himself after moving to the area of Cape Ann that eventually became Gloucster, Ma. So well in fact that when Rev. Byndman moved away in 1648, Walter stayed put. By this time he had served on the commission that had set the boundaries with the neighboring town of Ipswich and for a time was the Gloucester town constable. He also was a succesful farmer in an area where most of the colonist made their living as fishermen. He died in Gloucester 14Aug 1651.
I found a transcription of his will and estate inventory on line and at the time of his death Walter owned various lots of land in the area and they add up to 106 acres In the will he leaves land and money to his heirs and bequeaths his clock to his son in law William Haskell (my 9x great grandfather). The fact that Waler owned a clock is in itself a good indication of how prosperous his life had been.
Walter and his wife Mary (last name not known) had four childre, all daughters and all born in Wales:
I am descended from Walter's daughter Mary who married William Haskell.
I found a transcription of his will and estate inventory on line and at the time of his death Walter owned various lots of land in the area and they add up to 106 acres In the will he leaves land and money to his heirs and bequeaths his clock to his son in law William Haskell (my 9x great grandfather). The fact that Waler owned a clock is in itself a good indication of how prosperous his life had been.
Walter and his wife Mary (last name not known) had four childre, all daughters and all born in Wales:
I am descended from Walter's daughter Mary who married William Haskell.
Tuesday, November 05, 2019
My ancestor William Haskell Jr.'s wife Mary Tybott was the daughter of my 10x great grandfather Walter Tybott. Walter was a Welshman and originally emigrated to Marshfield in Plymouth Colony as part of a group known as the Blynman Party. I'd never heard of these people before, so I did a Google search to see what I could find out about them.
I found this in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53 on Google books:
In the "Memoirs of the Plymouth Colony," by Hon. Francis Baylies, part 5, p. 285, under " Marshfield," we find:
"Gov. Winslow, the founder of Marshfield, often visited England; he induced several Welsh gentlemen of respectability to emigrate to America, amongst whom came the Rev. Richard Blinman, in 1642, who was the first pastor of Murshfield. Some dissensions taking place, Mr. Blinman and the Welshmen removed to Cape Anne in less than a year. In 1648 Blinman went to New London, in Connecticut, of which place he was the pastor ten years. In 1658 he was at New Haven, and soon after returned to England, after having received in 1650 an invitation to settle at Newfoundland. He died at the city of Bristol, England."
From another source I glean:
"Marshfield incorporated March 1, 1642. After the departure of Rev. Mr. Blinman, Rev. Edward Bulkeley, son of the first minister of Concord, Mass., was pastor."
The earliest notice we have of Mr. Blynman in this country is in the Plymouth records, March 2, 1641. This was earlier than any vessel would likely arrive that season, which makes it probable that he came over in 1640:
"At a General Court held in Plymouth, (Mass.,) Mr. Blindman, Mr. Heugh Prychard, Mr. Obadiah Brewen, John Sadler, Heugh Cauken, and Walter Tibbott were propounded to be made free the next Court."
Plymouth Records, vol. 2, p. 8.
This is dated March 2, 1641, and is the earliest mention of the Blynman party. What is still more remarkable is that only six of the numerous party are mentioned.
Gov. Winthrop in his Diary, says:
"One Mr. Blinman, a minister in Wales, a Godly and able man, came over with some friends of his, and being invited to Green's Harbour (since Marshfield near Plymouth,) they went thither, but ere the year was expired there fell out some difference among them which by no means could be reconciled, so as they agreed to part, and he came with his company and sat down at Cape Anne which at this Court {May, 1643) was established to be a plantation and called Gloucester."-p235
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53 New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1899 Boston, Ma
So my ancestor Walter Tybott was part of a group that had had a falling out with a church in Wales and that came to Marshfield, Ma at the invitation of Gov. Winslow in 1641. But after only a year there the group moved to the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled the area now known as Gloucester, Ma. Walter seems to have done well enough there that he stayed there when Rev. Blynman moved on again.
To be continued...
I found this in The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53 on Google books:
In the "Memoirs of the Plymouth Colony," by Hon. Francis Baylies, part 5, p. 285, under " Marshfield," we find:
"Gov. Winslow, the founder of Marshfield, often visited England; he induced several Welsh gentlemen of respectability to emigrate to America, amongst whom came the Rev. Richard Blinman, in 1642, who was the first pastor of Murshfield. Some dissensions taking place, Mr. Blinman and the Welshmen removed to Cape Anne in less than a year. In 1648 Blinman went to New London, in Connecticut, of which place he was the pastor ten years. In 1658 he was at New Haven, and soon after returned to England, after having received in 1650 an invitation to settle at Newfoundland. He died at the city of Bristol, England."
From another source I glean:
"Marshfield incorporated March 1, 1642. After the departure of Rev. Mr. Blinman, Rev. Edward Bulkeley, son of the first minister of Concord, Mass., was pastor."
The earliest notice we have of Mr. Blynman in this country is in the Plymouth records, March 2, 1641. This was earlier than any vessel would likely arrive that season, which makes it probable that he came over in 1640:
"At a General Court held in Plymouth, (Mass.,) Mr. Blindman, Mr. Heugh Prychard, Mr. Obadiah Brewen, John Sadler, Heugh Cauken, and Walter Tibbott were propounded to be made free the next Court."
Plymouth Records, vol. 2, p. 8.
This is dated March 2, 1641, and is the earliest mention of the Blynman party. What is still more remarkable is that only six of the numerous party are mentioned.
Gov. Winthrop in his Diary, says:
"One Mr. Blinman, a minister in Wales, a Godly and able man, came over with some friends of his, and being invited to Green's Harbour (since Marshfield near Plymouth,) they went thither, but ere the year was expired there fell out some difference among them which by no means could be reconciled, so as they agreed to part, and he came with his company and sat down at Cape Anne which at this Court {May, 1643) was established to be a plantation and called Gloucester."-p235
The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Volume 53 New England Historic Genealogical Society, 1899 Boston, Ma
So my ancestor Walter Tybott was part of a group that had had a falling out with a church in Wales and that came to Marshfield, Ma at the invitation of Gov. Winslow in 1641. But after only a year there the group moved to the Massachusetts Bay Colony and settled the area now known as Gloucester, Ma. Walter seems to have done well enough there that he stayed there when Rev. Blynman moved on again.
To be continued...
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