
Sunday, November 22, 2020


 I am going to try to get as far as I can blogging about my West line before the year runs out. So for the moment I'm going to set aside the questions about  a possible relationship with English nobility or Wests in the Virginia colony. I will start with this brief biography by William Richard Cutter of my immigrant ancestor, Francis West of Duxbury, Ma., my 8x great grandfather:

...He is spoken of as a carpenter in the Duxbury records, and the Plymouth colony records show that he made a pair of stocks for the town of Duxbury in 1640. In 1640 and 1642 he was a menber of the grand jury; in 1642 he purchased a house and land in Duxbury (Millbrook); in 1643 he was on the list of those able to bear arms; he was admitted a freeman in Plymouth colony in 1656; in 1658 he was a surveyor of highways in Duxbury; constable in 1661; and in 1662-69-74-78-80-81 he was a member of the "Grand Conquest" During the last years of his life his son Peter took care of him, and his estate, which amounted to only siateen pounds, was given to Peter by the probate court. He married, in Duxbury, February 27, 1639, Margaret Reeves , and died there January 2, 1692, ages eighty-six years. Children, probably born in Duxbury: Samuel, 1843; Dr. Thomas, 1646; Peter; Mary; Ruth, 1651  married Nathaniel Skiff and died December 31, 1741, aged ninety years.-p2036

1New England Families, Genealogical and Memorial: A Record of the Achievements of Her People in the Making of Commonwealths and the Founding of a Nation, Volume 4  Lewis historical publishing Company,  New York 1914 ,

Here's my line of descent from Francis to my Dad:


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