
Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Welcome to the Geneablogger's Picnic! Come on, find a table
and a shady spot to set up in, then mingle with your fellow
geneabloggers and sample some of their family recipes.

Let me show you around.

You'll notice a lot of us are humming or singing the song Terry
Thornton wrote called "The Geneabloggers' Picnic". You can
pick up a copy of the lyrics at the Hill Country of Monroe
County picnic table. Terry will tell you all about his first picnic
where he met the boy who would be his life long friend.

There's plenty of space available in the shade of the trees but
I highly recommend spending a few moments visiting with
your fellow picnickers along the way to listen to and swap
memories of picnics and cookouts

Here's Terry Snyder of The Desktop Genealogist. Try one of
her mustard pickles made from her grandmother's recipe.

And over there is Schelly Talalay Dardashti of Tracing the
Tribe who has vivid memories of family picnics in New York
and in Teheran.

Be sure to ask Colleen of The Oracle of OMcHodoy to show
you her pictures of picnics featuring members of the families
make up the OMcHodoys.

Now Laura from Life at the Home20 will tell you she doesn't
much care for picnics but she'll also tell you about some of her
family's recipes. Her grandmother's goulash reminds me of
my Dad's version of that dish!

Watch out when you pass Jasia of Creative Gene's picnic table.
Beware of water balloons and squirt gun battles, much like the
ones she recalls in her memories of Summer picnics.

Jessica of Jessica's Genejournal has kept her picnic setup
basic much like when her family went out for a picnic.

Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings is in charge of ingredients
for S'mores. He had more cookouts than picnics as a youngster
andI bet he developed a wicked serve in Ping Pong!

Thomas MacEntee of Destination: Austin Family is another
whose family held cookouts more than picnics. You will find
him over that way and he might give you his recipe for
baked beans if you ask him.

And Janet Iles of Janet the researcher brought her pistachio
salad. You can listen to her memories of childhood picnics and
reunions while you sample her recipe.

The footnoteMaven is in charge of the watermelon and you
can find her over there, but whatever you do, don't mention
chicken's feet!

There's Becky at kinnexions serving up fried chicken like the
chicken served at her family picnics and reunions.

Oh, stop by the table of Bob Frank of the Itawamba History
Review. He's brought along a worn and tattered picnic basket
that holds a lot of memories.

Miriam Robbins Midkiff of AnceStories has brought along
some of her family's favorite foods and I think she and Thomas
were comparing their baked bean recipes a little earlier.

Wendy Littrell of All My Branches will be showing some of the
kids how to make forts out of empty picnic tables the way she
did when her family picnicked through the summer in their

Lori Thornton, the Smoky Mountain Family Historian, is over
here reminiscing about vienna sausages and roadside picnics.

Laura from Looking4Ancestors will let you sample a drink
called Freshie while telling you about the picnics her family
went on at Point Pelee National Park in Ontario, Canada.

And Debra Osborne Spindle of All My Ancestors is over there
under the shade recounting memories of meals served outdoors
during the wheat harvest in the very hot Texas Panhandle.

My table is over there under the shade of the trees much like the
picnic at Plymouth I remember from childhood. Try some of the
Lemon Meringue pie.

Finally, let me introduce you to Sheri Fenley who has some great
memories of picnics on an airplane in a sandpit!

So, welcome to the Geneablogger's Picnic! It's nice to see so
many of you here, and don't forget to sign up for the sack race,
egg toss, and wheelbarrow races! Janice Brown will be directing

And remember, genealogists picnic in the shade of their family trees!


  1. Thanks Bill, that was some fun reading! "under the shade of the family tree". Cute.

  2. Very nice job Bill. All this talk of picnics, barbecues and food is making me hungry!

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Bill, Very nice! Makes me want to pack up a picnic basket and head to my favorite spot (the beach)! Donna

  4. BILL, You are the perfect host. Thanks for having us all over.

  5. Hi, Bill.
    Great job!
    When do we eat?
    Whose bringing the ants and other creepy crawlies?
