
Sunday, August 03, 2008


Laura at Life at the Home20 has tagged me with the Blogger
Friends Forever award which is making the rounds of we
genealogy bloggers. Now I get to pass it on to five other folks!

The rules for passing on the award are:

1. Only five people are allowed to receive the award.

2. Four of them must be followers of your blog.

3. One has to be new to your blog and live in another part of
the world.

4. You must link back to whoever gave you the award.

Hmm. Well, I wouldn't say they are "followers" but I know
they read my blog. So, I'm tagging:

1 Janice Brown at Cow Hampshire.

2 Tim Abbott at Walking the Berkshires

3 Lisa at Small-leaved Shamrock

4 Apple from Apple's Tree

5 M. Diane Rogers from CanadaGenealogy, or 'Jane's Your Aunt'

I nominated Janice, Tim, and Apple because they are some
of the first geneabloggers I interacted with, and they are nice
people. Janice and Tim are distant cousins of mine, so
I'm keeping it in the family. I chose Lisa because her blog on
Irish genealogy has gotten me to think more about my Irish
roots. And Diane lives on the opposite side of the continent in
Canada, so I think it fits that 3rd rule, sortta.

Irregardless of the rules, they are all nice folks and I enjoy
reading their blogs!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bill! I'm flattered and sorry that I'm so far behind in my reading.
