
Monday, December 24, 2018


Dear Genea-Santa,
I've had another good year research wise. I've had success finding lots of information about my West ancestors so I really am all set for the coming year. But there are just two things I'd like this Christmas for the coming year.

One is something I mentioned last year and has to do with my DNA connection cousins on the Ancestry DNA site. It's so frustrating to see all the people who either have private trees or don't have family trees at all. Some of them I've been able to figure out but most of them I've had no luck. I understand that not everyone is into genealogy and they just want the novelty of an ethnicity estimate. But that's all it is, an estimate. There's so much more they could learn by setting up a family tree and connecting their DNA test results to it. Please do something to motivate more of my unknown cousins to do that!

Speaking of motivation, I need you to give me more of that, too. I've been lagging with my blogging and now I'm trying to catch up with the 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks posts and I only have a week now to get that completed.

So that's it for me this year, Genea-Santa! Thanks again!


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