
Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Only one day left to send your submissions in for the Great Genealogy Poetry Challenge
The deadline is midnight tomorrow night, Thursday, November 16th. Don't forget to send
me the link to your post!

These are the Challenge rules:

1. Find a poem by a  poet, famous or obscure, about the region
one of your ancestors lived in. It can be about an historical event, a
legend, a person, or even about some place (like a river)or a local
animal. It can even be a poem you or one of your ancestors have written.
0r, if you prefer, post the lyrics of a song or a link to a video of someone
performing the song.

2. Post the poem or song to your blog (remembering to cite the source
where you found it.). If you wish to enter an older post, you may as long
as it has not appeared here in an earlier Poetry Challenge.

 3.Tell us how the subject of the poem or song relates to your ancestor's
home or life, or the area of the country where they lived.

4.Submit your post's link here to me by midnight Thursday, November 16th
and I'll publish all links to the entries on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd!

If  you submit a humorous poem or song that will be entered under the
"Willy Puckerbrush" division. Willy was the late geneablogger Terry
Thornton's alias for some humorous posts and comments.


  1. Hi Bill, I finally did one of these, thanks for the reminder post.

    See for "The Wreck of the Hesperus" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I have three generations of the early Norman family of St. Ann, Salem and Marblehead, fishermen and shipwrights.


    My grandfather
    never missed
    the hills of Franken,
    He never walked the streets
    of Reckendorf,
    his family “hometown,”
    He would have been amazed
    to see the things
    his father took for granted.
    He did not learn,
    “Gross Gott,”
    as the proper greeting,
    Nor did he plow
    the family fields
    of Bayern.
    He lived
    a continent away
    and never knew his family.
    A grandson went,
    a century after,
    to find the home and people;
    His heart leapt
    and wept for joy
    in reunion.
    Deutscher und Amerikaner:
    alles ein Famalia –
    It’s been so long…


    The little shrine by the way
    with a history no one knows –
    “It’s been there forever,”
    like the mountains.
    The land is dotted
    with these little shrines,
    Markers of devotion
    and symbols of their faith.
    They add a richness to the land,
    a reminder to us now:
    This land you see
    is more than dirt and trees,
    It embraces the souls
    past more than we will know;
    people lived and died and prayed
    as some day you will too:
    Continue on your day –
    beyond this mortal life.

    Two poems about my ancestral village in Bavaria, published in 2005 in Prairies of Possibilities, a collection of poems of mine.
    - Duane L. Herrmann

  3. Slipping in under the wire this year:

    Cry of the Foreign Born - by Leah Rachel Clara Yoffie (1883-1956)

  4. Hi, Bill. I submitted my post for the genealogy poetry challenge on Wednesday but I don't see it in the comment section for this post or the other about the challenge. I hope it was not lost and I hope I can still participate. The link to my post is Thanks so much.
