
Monday, July 17, 2017


UPDATE: I have broken down my John Cutter West brickwall. Details to follow in a 
later post. 

Late Saturday afternoon I glanced at my email and found  my Ancestry DNA test results were in!  This was an early and pleasant surprise because Ancestry had said it would be 6-8 weeks before I'd see them and here they were in 4 weeks.

So I opened the email, hit the link to see my results....and found my self slightly confused and mystified.

Here's the Ethnicity Estimate graphic:

And here's the entire Ethnicity Estimate:
51% Irish
25% Scandinavian
12% Iberian Peninsula

Low confidence:
1% Africa North
3% Italy/Greece
2% Great Britain
2% Europe East
2% Europe West.
Less than 1% European Jew
Less than 1% Caucasus

It's those small amounts of exotic (for me) genes that have m emystified : North African, Italy/Greece, Europe East, Europe West, Caucasus. Did I have Crusader ancestors who brought home wives from the wars or did some Vikings with wives from their travels settle among the Irish?

More bits of information from the test results:

I have 449 DNA matches who are 4th cousins or closer, and 138  of them with share hints I have.

My total DNA matches when more distant cousins are factored in are  19,300!

As Ancestry finds more matches those numbers will go up.

The frustrating  part is the number of people I have matches with who don't have family trees on Ancestry so I can see how we match up. I don't understand why people would do that. Are they only interested in their ethnic origins but not in their ancestors? It's like buying a sports car but never driving it!

Ah well!

I'm in the early stages of exploring all this. I'll be blogging more about it as I go along.


  1. Remember that the Irîsh and Iberians share Celtic DNA. Also for those with no trees, open the match and it may show trees in Ancestry that they did not attach to their DNA. Have fun!

  2. Interesting gene pool!

  3. Could some of your common ancestors migrated to these areas while yours came to the US, causing your DNA to have a match there? Interesting post. I wish you luck as you proceed with the DNA information!

  4. I'm looking forward to hearing how you broke down the West brick wall. I've pretty much decided the ethnicity breakdowns are just one step above fun and games.
