
Thursday, August 28, 2014


My blogging has fallen off a bit the past few weeks, but I was busy with other
genealogical matters: There was the First World War and Civil War Challenge
summaries that needed to be finished. I was doing some research for a friend and
sending him what I found (and I'm still working on that). So I fell behind on the
52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks meme, and was just about to start blogging to catch up
when fellow geneablogger Randy Seaver of Genea-Musings did a blog post that the  
Middlesex County, Massachusetts Probate Records, 1648-1871, were now up at the
NEHGS website. Well, I have Middlesex County ancestors, so I went over to check
and see what I could find and...

...I was lost. I always felt that most of my ancestors were from Essex and Plymouth
counties, but as I kept finding file after file I realized I have more Middlesex county
ancestors than those from Plymouth County.  I spent four days downloading wills
and probates, and I'm sharing what I've found with my aunt and cousin in Ohio who
got me started in genealogy. Next I will send copies to some of my distant cousins.
And there will be plenty of blogposts on what I've found, such as:

- Proof of the identity of the parents of my 5x great grandmother Lydia Phelps.

-The file that proves I have Nutts in my family tree.

- The setting aside of ancestor John Nutting's will by a judge due to what seems
like a bit of hanky-panky.

So thanks Randy for leading me to these goodies!  

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