
Saturday, April 27, 2013


My task of identifying possible relatives among William Tyng's "snowshoe soldiers"
was helped a bit by Rev.Wilson Waters section on them in his History of Chelmsford,
Massachusetts, in which he gives a bit of family background of some of the soldiers.
I'm posting his list in its entirety in two parts. Those soldiers I believe am related are
in boldface and I've put my comments in red. Here's part 1 of Waters' list:    

1. John Shepley, son of John, was born in Chelmsford, Mass., in 1677. A few years
later the family removed to Groton, Mass., where the father, mother and all the
children except John were killed by the Indians, July 27, 1694. John, then seventeen
years of age, was carried into captivity where he remained three and one-half years,
when he returned to Groton. In memory of the massacre of his kindred, undoubtedly
he was a willing recruit in Captain Tyng's company. Subsequently he was prominent
in the town and church affairs of Groton. He was a representative nine years. He died
September 14, 1736. Among his descendants is the late Ether Shepley, a former
United States Senator and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Maine.

2. Joseph Parker, Groton, son of Capt. Joseph and Margaret Parker, was born in
Chelmsford, March 30, 1653. The family removed to Dunstable in 1675, where Joseph, Sr.,
was a constable seven years. Joseph, Jr., had considerable experience in Indian warfare.
He removed from Dunstable to Groton and there died about 1725, leaving a large estate.
((Related by marriage, I think.))

10. Joseph Perham, Groton, son of John and Lydia (Shepley) Perham, was born in Chelmsford, December 22, 1669. He lived in Dunstable and, by revision of town lines, in Nottingham
West, now Hudson. At the time of his service in Captain Tyng's company he was a resident
of Groton.

11. Joseph Butterfield, Dunstable, son of Joseph and Lydia (Ballard) Butterfield, was born in Chelmsford, June 6, 1680. He removed early in life to Dunstable, living in the section of the town now Tyngsborough, where he died in 1757. His daughter, Deborah, was the wife of Col. Samuel Moor of Litchfield.
((Both a Ballard & Butterfield cousin. His parents are my 8x great granduncle & grandaunt.))

12. John Spalding, Chelmsford, son of Andrew and Hannah (Jefts) Spalding, was born August 20, 1682. He lived through life in Chelmsford. He died March 7, 1760.
((My 6x great grandfather))

13. John Spalding, Jr., Chelmsford, son of John and Hannah (Hale) Spalding, was born in Chelmsford, February 15, 1659. Late in life he removed to Plainfield, Conn. His son, Samuel, born August 5, 1686, represented his father's interests in Tyngstown.
((I have my ancestor John Spaulding married to a Mary Barrett. This is probably a cousin.))

14. Henry Spalding, Chelmsford, son of Andrew and Hannah (Jefts) Spalding, was born November 2, 1680. He was a brother of No. 12. He married a daughter of Thomas Lund, Sr.
((My 6x great granduncle))

16. Ebenezer Spalding, Chelmsford, son of Lieut. Edward and Margaret (Barrett) Spalding, was born January 13, 1683. He lived in Chelmsford and later in Nottingham West, now Hudson.
((A cousin))

17. Samuel Davis, Groton, son of Samuel and Mary Davis, was born in Groton, January 8, 1669-70. He removed from Groton to Chelmsford in 1707. Many of his descendants have resided in New Hampshire.
((Possibly a cousin))

22. Nathaniel Butterfield, Chelmsford, son of Nathaniel and Deborah (Underwood) Butterfield, was born about 1676 [1673]. He lived in Chelmsford, where he died in 1749.
((A cousin. His father is my 8x  great great granduncle))

23. Jonathan Butterfield, Chelmsford, was probably a son of Nathaniel and Deborah (Underwood) Butterfield, and a brother of No. 22.
((Same as above))

26. Jonathan Parker, Chelmsford, son of John and Mary Parker, was born in Chelmsford, January 2, 1683. His right appears to have been improved by Thomas Parker. I do not find that he had a son Thomas but he had a brother of that name.
((Another possible cousin by marriage,))

To be continued.


  1. Bill, I've got Shepley, Parker, Perham and Butterfield way back in my tree. Haven't looked at this line in awhile, but the names rang a bell and found them in my tree. Thanks for sharing this info!

  2. Woohoo, Elizabeth! and we have a Butterfield cousin connection!

  3. Well, we have Andrew and Hannah jefts Spaulding in common but I am descended from their son Andrew.

  4. So we have a Spaulding cousin connection! There are two more parts of the list so maybe there will be someone else you're related to on it!
