
Monday, February 20, 2012


Back at the start of the month I wrote here about taking part in the Family
History Writing Challenge and committed to posting 500 words a day here.

Well, obviously, if you look at my entries for this month, it's not going to

I don't know what the problem was but sometime after the first week or so
I missed a day, and then another, and another. I thought I could make it up by
doing a few multiple post days and couldn't come up with them. I'm certainly
capable of doing daily blogposts; I did it for the challenge last year, and
again in November for the NaBloWriMo event. I've been researching but
other than the stories of my cousins Gypsy and Benedict Arnold Barker I
hadn't really felt moved much to write about what I've found. 

My get up and go just got up and went.

The best laid plans of mice and men, etc, etc....


I'm stepping away from the Challenge and going back to my regular blogging
routine.  My goal for the year is still to surpass my blogpost total of last year
so I still have that to shoot for!


  1. Bill, sorry to here that it didn't work out for you this year. Good luck with your blogging goal.

  2. Bill, I too thought to up my blogging days in 2012, but funny thing, I spent the whole Christmas weekend in the hospital when they did emergency surgery to remove a nasty gall-bladder. I think they took all my words with it, too!

  3. Bill,
    I can identify. I had done a lot of research so it was easy for me to write at the beginning of the month. But then I had written up all of my new info by mid-February. In order to write more, I would have needed to complete more research. Then came a visit to help my daughter with my newest grandson. Now a nasty cold. Oh well -- we won't quit -- just not meet our goal for February.
