
Thursday, November 03, 2011


It's November and the time of year when we writers indulge in the
masochistic pleasure of NaNoWriMo, aka National Novel
Writing Month. The goal is to produce 50,000  words of a novel
(although I understand that some folks prefer a non-fiction endeavor).
I've participated in the past but never completed the challenge
because I was working at the bookstore and as in all retail, November
was a very busy and tiring month. But I no longer have that problem so
I'm mulling over trying it again this year. Of course, I haven't started
yet and it's already November 3rd so I'll have to get my butt in gear
soon and start writing.

As soon as I figure out what I want to write, that is.

And November also has a National Blog Write More movement in which
bloggers subject themselves and their readers to a daily blogpost for the
month. While I'm behind on this one, I can write two posts today(of which
this would be the first) and catch up and proceed from there.

All I have to do is come up with something to blog about every day.

Since I can't make up my mind which one to do, I'm going to try both.

This could be very interesting....or messy.

Be afraid,. Be very afraid!


  1. I've thought about doing this for the past 4 years, but just never have the time to post everyday. Good luck, Bill!

  2. Never afraid, can't wait to read, anything. Bring it on!!

  3. Oh yeah! Go for that novel, Bill--and keep us updated on your blog. Two birds, so to speak.

  4. I'm doing it too, Bill! A fictional work based somewhat on my mother's life.

    Let me know if you dive in and go for it, I'd love to have a partner to egg me on!
