
Monday, October 24, 2011


As I previously  posted, I recently found the Revolutionary War 
Pension file for my 5x great grandfather Samuel Stowe. It's interesting
for several reasons that I will go into in my next post, but for now, here's
the images of the statement he made about his service  and my transcription
of it:

Here's my transcription:

In order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress
of the 7th of June 1832.
State of New York
County of Chenango:

On this the 24th day of December 1832, personally appeared before me
John Tracy first Judge of the Courts of Chenango County Samuel Stow a
resident of Oxford in Chenango County aforesaid aged ninety years,
who being first duly sworn, according to law, doth on his oath make the
following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress
passed June of 1832, that he entered the serviceof the United States under
the following named Officers, and served as herein stated.

He lived in Sherburn Suffolk County State of Massachusetts near Boston,
and in the year 1775 enlisted into a company of minute men of which
Captain Bullard was Captain, the first Lieutenants name was Gardner,
the Ensign he does not recollect neither does he recollect the time,
but it was previous to the battle of Bunker hill. The Colonel of the
Regiment was Whitcomb of the Massachusetts Troops. On the Alarm that
the British were coming out of Boston, the company to which he belonged
were called out went upon Bunker hill in which Battle he was engaged.
After said Battle of Bunker hill he this deponent, in the company and
Regiment aforesaid, marched to Cambridge where he this deponent
staid in sentnal service eight months. During this term eight months he
this deponent acted as orderly sergeant major of the Regiment. Having
been a soldier of the old French war of 1756 he was appointed to this birth.
He was at Cambridge when General Washington  came and took the
command, General Ward had previously been commander in chief. He was
sent with a letter by General Washington to General Ward who came to
General Washington's Quarters and General Washington thinking the
discipline of the troops not so correct as it ought to be , this applicant
heard him say to General Ward he had been esaming(?) his orders and
found them generally good, and they must and should be obeyed.
This applicant has no documentary evidence and knows of no person, whose
testimony he can provide,  who can testify to his service.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except
the present, and declares that his name is not on the Pension Roll of the
agency of any State.
Saml Stowe
Sworn to and Subscribed the day and year aforesaid
John Tracy first Judge
of Chenango County
State of New York

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