
Monday, November 15, 2010


Sunday the Patriots were playing the Steelers in a night game
so I had a few hours to go out and get some fresh air. So I
drove down Rte 123 for twenty minutes to Norris Reservation
in Norwell. Despite the overcast of the afternoon it was a comparatively
mild day for November and it seemed the small dirt parking lot was
nearly full when I arrived.

I've never been to the Reservation before and was pleasantly surprised
by what I found in my brief visit. I entered through a carriage path
lined with large rhododendron plants and then crossed a wooden bridge
over a small waterfall from a pond on my left.

There were stone benches along the path and I spotted a picnic table
down next to the brook in the above picture.

Beyond bridge I followed Eleanor's Trail (which is named after Eleanor
Norris)through pines that towered over smaller colorful trees.While the
ground was covered with pine needles the footing was easier that at the
Tucker Reserve and without the wind of the past week it was a tranquil
scene. I encountered other walkers (some with dogs) but there was ample
room for us to pass each other comfortably.

Norris Reservation closes at sunset and with the overcast skies daylight
began to fade around 3:15 so I turned back at the halfway point and
headed back to my car. I'm going to try to return before snow starts
flying and make it all the way through to the banks of the North River,
and I certainly plan to go back next Spring when those rhododendrons
are in bloom!

You can learn more about the Norris Reservation and see more pictures
of it at

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