
Sunday, October 03, 2010


It was a Sunday without a Patriots football game to watch, so after
sorting and loading up my laundry I drove Ping the Wonder Car over
to Mt Pleasant Cemetery in Rockland to search for the grave of my
distant cousin James Gurney. I'd hoped to take a picture to send on
to Chris Dunham. (See my previous post here about the Gurney
connection the Dunhams.) Well, it turns out that the cemetery is much
larger than I anticipated. I decided to start at the back and work my
way up to the front, but right away ran into a problem: the headstones
weren't all facing in the same direction. Now I'm sort of new to visiting
older cemeteries, but this was the first time I've run into this sort of thing.
There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to which way they faced.

So, while I did find a Gurney marker, it wasn't for James and his wife.

Nevertheless, it was a suitable day for a stroll in a cemetery on an
autumn afternoon in New England, a bit cool with a breeze and an
overcast sky and the beginnings of red and gold among the green

After about an hour it was nearly pm and I still that dirty laundry waiting
back in my car, so I had to give up my search for today but I'll return
on Thursday or next Sunday (another day without a Patriots' game). I
got my laundry done and returned home just in time to enjoy a nice
sunset at the end of my street.

All in all, a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a beautiful New England afternoon (much nicer than we had here in gloomy, overcast, California)! That's certainly worth something, even if you didn't find exactly what you were looking for.
