
Thursday, July 01, 2010


I took a walk further down Lincoln Blvd today to take care of some
business at the Town Hall and then decided to walk next door to the
Town Library and get something I haven't had in forty years or so:
a library card.

This is the third location for the Abington Town Library since I first
moved into town back in the 1960's and it was built in 1997. It is a
beautiful building with a soaring beamed ceiling, plenty of light and
the shelved areas running off to either side. You can see pictures
here at the library website .

After I filled out my application and obtained my card I took a walk
around the stacks. The fiction stacks are on the left of the mainroom
but I visited the nonfiction stacks to my right first to see if the
19th century local history books I recalled from years ago were still
there, and they are. They include some books on Maine and New
Hampshire, and Massachusetts colonial history as well, all of which
could be very useful to me in my genealogy research. There were
some old genealogies in the low reference shelves running down the
center of the main room that bear exploring also.

I finished up with a quick look at the fiction area. Alas, the sf and
fantasy selection was sparse! I'll have to will what's left of my own
hardcovers to them but that's many years in the future.

I saw a lot of books that I itched to take out today but most of
them are fairly old and I was on foot today. The library does sell
a book bag and I'll purchase one next trip there which probably
will be next Thursday. I'm torn between walking there which is
good for my health or driving which would mean I could bring
my laptop and do some reading and research right there.

A tough decision but either way, I can't lose!

I've had a bit more to say about this over on my book blog,
"East of The Sun, West of The Moon"

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