
Saturday, April 03, 2010


So I'd been doing alright since coming home from the hospital back in
Feb.,sticking to the diet, losing over 20lbs and all. Then about a week
and a half ago I began to feel queasy in the morning which I chalked up
to one of the effects of my meds. And the
backache that I'd had since my hospital stay got worse. Then Monday
at work I suddenly felt like I was going to pass out. My boss called the
fire dept and it turned out my blood pressure was very low. So I got my
first ambulance ride and back to the hospital I went. This was especially
galling since I'd just signed the lease and picked up my keys to the new
apartment that very morning,

That wasn't all that was galling me. Turned out the back pain is from gall
stones which the surgeon who consulted on my case doesn't feel can be
removed surgically due to my heart condition. So I'm just going to have
to learn to live with the occasional flareups. They've adjusted my meds
which hopefully will prevent anymore ambulance rides for awhile and
I'm still following the diet.And I plan to make the move to the new place
by the end of this month instead of by the 15th which had been my
original plan.

Obviously I haven't been researching or blogging much lately and with
the move I can't predict how much time I can do either until after I'm
settled into the new place. I think I might have to start sitting in the chair
in the parlor while I'm online for longer periods so my back doesn't
bother me. But I'll be around!

My thanks to everyone who sent prayers and good wishes to me!


  1. As an RN who works in the OR I might suggest for you to get a second opinion.....check out a larger facility or University Center. They have all sort of advanced monitoring available. Unless you had stents and are Plavix, in that case you should wait for 6 months. If the gallbladder becomes gangrenous they will have to do it immediately. You can not publish this if you choose, but I would get a second opinion.

  2. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Wow! You certainly have been busy in so many ways.

    You are in my thoughts and I hope you don't have anymore health issues!

  3. Well, you do have a lot of gall! Guess we'll just have to call you Stony!

    And I, too (an ex-nurse) think Claudia has given good advice.

    Good luck!

  4. "Nurses in Cyberspace"--wouldn't that be a great title for an e-book? Well, I suppose you're too busy to write it this month, huh? Best wishes with the move and the recovery from all that ails ya, Bill. I wish you plenty of help with the move so you won't be inclined to overdo!
