
Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm a day late on the latest Saturday Night Genealogy Fun
challenge from Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings. This week's

"Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to:

* Tell us about your "other" hobbies or interests outside of genealogy
and family history research, writing, speaking, etc.

* Write a blog post of your own, respond with a comment to this post,
or add a comment on the Facebook version of this post."

Well, I'm a rabid Red Sox and Patriots fan and I enjoy Celtic music
but there's one interest that's been consistent in my life since the
third grade.

I've been an avid reader of sf and fantasy since I was eight years
old. That was the year we moved from Malden to Boston and I
was suddenly in easy walking distance to three branches of the
Boston Public Library.The librarian at the Codman Square Library
turned me onto Andre Norton and I was hooked on science fiction.
About the same time my folks bought me a copy of "King Arthur
and the Knights of the Round Table", which eventually led me to
fantasy. For the past fifty years or so I've been buying and reading
books set in the far future or in magical worlds. At one point
I was a member of the Science Fiction Book Club and was getting a
box of books every month from them. Once when I went to the local
post office I heard myself referred to as "the guy who orders that
Buck Rogers stuff."

One outgrowth of that was that eventually I got into online roleplay.
By "eventually" I mean about twelve years ago when I wandered
into an Arthurian themed roleplay channeland where many of the
other players were about my age. (A lot of baby boomers had missed
the D&D explosion which had occurred after we were out of school.).

And the roleplay led me into writing stories and poetry about my
characters, which resulted in two of my poems being published by
Renaissance Magazine last fall!


  1. Bill,
    I would like to get the chance to read some of your poetry and stories someday. I'm not a scifi person, but in my family, I am surrounded by scifiers, also D&D types of all

  2. Anonymous3:05 AM

    What an interesting facet to your personality!

    We are big fantasy readers here, and play D&D (the old-fashioned way around a table with 20-sided dice).

    My hubby is also a "rabid" Red Sox fan, and I am the Pats fan (he loves 'em too). Yes, we listen to Celtic music as well. In fact, my mom plays in a Celtic band.

    Ahhh, Andre Norton! I was always a huge fan of Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey myself. The librarians in Bridgewater knew me very well.

    My husband and I met in a comic book store, and bonded over a shared love of Dragonlance books. Oh, and Ren faires.

    Congratulations on the publication of your poems, and thanks for sharing this!

  3. Me too! I am a huge sci-fi fan. Especially if it is about time travel.

  4. Bill, I just finished reading Ivanhoe for the umpteenth time. Next is Don Quixote for the first time. I haven't read this kind of stuff since I was a kid!
