
Monday, November 16, 2009


I just wanted to remind everyone that there's only a week left to get
your posts written for The Great American Local Poet Genealogy
Challenge. In case you missed them, these are the rules

1. Find a poem by a local poet, famous or obscure, from the region one of
your ancestors lived in. It can be about an historical event, a legend, a
person, or even about some place (like a river)or a local animal.

2. Post the poem to your blog (remembering to cite the source where you
found it.)

3. Did it inspire you to research the subject of the poem and how it relates to

4.Submit your post's link here to me by November 22nd and I'll publish all
the entries on Thanksgiving Day!

Several of you have already sent submissions but more would be welcome.
So pick a poem and let us know about it for better or verse!


  1. You've received the Kreativ Blogger Award. Please go to my blog to pick-up your award.

  2. Bill,
    here is my submission to your challenge:

    Thank you for thinking up this challenge - I had a lot of fun and learned quite a bit too!

  3. Thanks for taking part, Leah!

  4. I wrote this poem 5-6 years ago while I was thinking heavily about my Grandfather. Roy M. Pearson was President of Andover Newton Theological School during my childhood years and I have many fond memories of playing around that campus as a kid. He was killed in a car accidentnear his New London, NH home before I had much opportunity to get to know him as an adult. The night after the accident, I stayed up late in his study, examining his books and helping myself to the second half of a bottle of wine that he had every expectation of coming home to finish.
    This might not be exactally what you are looking for in your contest but it seemed as good an opportunity as any to share this poem.
    Nice contest Bill, I really like the idea.

  5. Oops. I forgot the link...

    : )
