
Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Ah, synchronicity!

I was searching online for any material about my probable ancestor Gershom Flagg's
death at the Battle of Wheelwright Pond and found Daniel Neal's "History of
New-England Vol 2" on Google Books. Once I had found that, I searched the rest
of the text for some other names, such as Simon Willard or Jeremiah Swain. Then I tried
Greenleaf, and found this from the summer of 1690 shortly after the town of Casco, Maine
had been burned by Indians:

"The Fate of Casco made the smaller Garrisons of Papoodack, Spurwink, Black-Point
Blue- Point, draw off immediately, without Orders, to Saco which was 20 Miles within Casco; and a few Days after they retired 20 Miles farther to Wells, and frightned that
Garrison so
much, that half of them deserted, and fled as far as Lieutenant Storer's.
Hopebood, the
Captain of the Hurons, pursued them, and destroyed all the open Country;
he burnt several Houses at Berwick, killed 13 or 14 Men at Fox Point, and carried off six Prisoners ; but
meeting with Captain Floyd and Captain Green-leaf they routed his Party, wounded Hopewood himself, and made him retire to a greater Distance. After this he
marched with
his Party Westward, with a Design to draw the Aquadoeta Indians to join
him; but a Party
of French Indians meeting him by the Way, fell upon him by Mistake,
and in their blind Fury killed him and almost all his Company."
(page 95).

(The text lists the Indian leader's name as both Hopebood and Hopewood.)

Now I mentioned in my series on Captain Stephen Greenleaf Jr. that there were references
to his command at a victory over the Indians at Wells, Maine in 1690 but that I'd not been
able to find any record of it.

But now I believe I've found it!

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