
Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just sitting and chilling literally and figuratively. Where's the heat?? I'm
ready for a warm, sunny day!

I might yet get out on some genealogy expedition before vacation is
over but I was a bit taken aback looking at the fees for copies at the
Boston Archdiocese Archives and the Massachusetts State Archives.
I couldn't find any indication that either allowed a researcher to
download anything to a USB pocket drive. Can you do that at the

I should know enough by now to remember to bookmark sites with
family information on them so I can get back to them later, but somehow
I forgot to do it with three sites during my Captain William Gerrish
research. I've found one, but the other two are still eluding me. I'm
not sure now if the incidents they discussed were about him, or whether
it was about Stephen Greenleaf or Thomas Chandler. I was running
Google searches on different family names with the added search terms of
"Essex" and "court" to see if I could find more court cases. Ah well, I'll
keep hunting them.

And in the category of "What the HECK is that? " see if you can spot
the word that had me doing a double take in this list of goods that belonged
to Captain Gerrish:

"14 pecs serges, 35li.; 1 pece of hollond, 5li. 10s.; 69 els of Ossinb., 5li. 15s.; 60 yds. flaning, 6li.; 30 1-2, 37 1-2 of duffills, 15li. 6s.; 42 yds. penistone, 5li. 15s. 6d.; 25 yds. Carsy....."

It was rather late at night when I read that list and I rubbed my eyes a few
times because I thought I was misreading that. I wasn't, but as it turned out,
the word refers to a very rare type of wool that comes from a breed of sheep
raised near the Pennines in England.

Coffee's almost gone. Now I need to decide, more writing, or go see the "Star Trek"

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