
Sunday, September 14, 2008


Elizabeth over at Little Bytes of Life has presented me with the
"I Love Your Blog" award. I am of course flattered that she thinks
enough of this geneablog and if I could I'd present her with one
right backsince I enjoy her writing as well. But now it's my turn to pass it
on to someone else and the rules are these:

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog;
(well, as you can see, I did that already!)

2. Link to the person who gave you the award
(that too!)

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs;
Ok here are 7 genealogy related blogs I enjoy
(and that haven't already received the award):

Tim Abbot's Walking the Berkshires

Janet Brown's Cow Hampshire

Lisa's 100 Years in America
A Light That Shines Again
The Small-Leaved Shamrock

Colleen's Orations of OMcHodoy
The Oracle of OMcHodoy

Tim's and Janet's genealogy blogs were among the first I read that
made me think I might want to try my hand at this. I was introduced to
Lisa and Colleen's blogs through the Carnival of Genealogy. All 7 are
great reads with well thought out and researched articles.

4. Put links to those blogs on yours;
(already done long ago)

5. Leave a message on the blogs that you’ve nominated.

Well, that last one is the one thing I still need to if you'll excuse
me, I'll get right to it!


  1. Hi Bill,

    Sorry I was late in letting you know about the award, but I'm glad you found out anyway!


  2. Thanks very much, Bill, for the kind words. I appreciate you reading and am very glad that you enjoy doing so.

    One note, however: you might want to take the McHugh off of my name. That surname belongs to Colleen, not me. :)

    Small-leaved Shamrock
    A light that shines again
    100 Years in America

  3. Yikes. Sorry, Lisa! I've corrected it.

