
Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So I’m celebrating my blog’s first anniversary by adding some
more genealogy blog links from the latest CoG and revamping
my labels list so it’s alphabetical by last name instead of the
first. As an aside I find myself irritated by not being able to
use the comma, as in “Ames, John”.

So far Janet, Lori, Schelly and Colleen have entered in the
Genealogist’s Parade. I’m going to put a Feb 3 deadline on the
entries and the parade will march on Feb 6, so there’s still
plenty of time before then to get your float into the parade!

It’s been a good day for browsing genealogy blogs. There are
some thoughtful posts from Jasia and Terry on the “Big Bang”
article post by Denise that are well worth a read as are the
comments to each.

And I want to mention the Sandusky History website which is
a service of the Sandusky Library Archives Research Center.
Sandra Paul of the staff emailed me after they posted an article
about a Marcia Coburn of Southbridge Ma. and I assume a
search for her relations led here because of my posts on my
own Coburn ancestry. While I don’t haveany relation to Marcia
Coburn I found the whole site informative and well done and
recommend it under our “Blog Spotlight” topic.

Alright, back to label editing!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention and the link Bill! I'm hoping to get in on the parade in the next few days!
