
Wednesday, December 19, 2007


The 38th Carnival of Genealogy is up over at Jasia’s Creative
Gene blog and the topic is Y2k. Between the Cog and Tom
MacEntee’s Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories at
Destination: Austin Family there’s a lot of good reading out
there from my fellow genealogy bloggers. I’m falling behind on
reading all the ACCM posts but luckily the Christmas season in
my family when I was a kid lasted through January, so I can
catch up with it all!

I’ve been made part of footnoteMaven’s Choir of GeneaAngels
over on her blog. I’m amazed by the things we can do with
computers these days and I’m honored to be included
with such an interesting group of people.

Meanwhile, back in the genealogy forest of family trees, I’m doing
a bit of research for a follow up about Camp Devens and the
influenza outbreak. I’ve been backing up my PAF file and
other documents to that flash drive I purchased and I brought it
to work the other day where it’s now stored in my locker. I also
share whatever I find with relatives and here in my blog
since it’s not just my genealogy, it’s theirs as well!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for helping to get the word out about the COG Bill. I appreciate it!

    Merry Christmas!

