
Friday, October 05, 2007


Another leisurely blog brunch. One of the things only a bachelor
could get away with on a day off!

The 33rd Carnival of Genealogy is up and once again Jasia has
gathered a bunch of interesting posts, this time on the subject
of weddings.

The next CoG has a Halloween theme with a call for posts on
stories about the supernatural or eerie in your family. If you
haven’t checked into the CoG yet, you should, because it’s a
great way to discover other genealogy blogs!

On another front, I recently bought two genealogy or history
related books at work.

The first is Evidence: Citation and Analysis for the Family
Historian by Elizabeth Shown Mills. I need to start getting my
sources and citations into shape and this book is mentioned over
and over again by my fellow genealogy bloggers. All I can say is
that after looking through it, I really, really have a lot of work
ahead of me.

The second book is Diane Rapaport’s The Naked Quaker: True
Crimes and Controversies from the Courts of Colonial New
England. All of the stories in it are new to me but some were
previously published in "New England Ancestors" magazine
which is published by the NEHGS.

No, Ralph Ellinwood’s case didn’t make the book but it is full of
fascinating stories that shed light not only on the court system of
colonial New England but also on the society of the period.

And since we’re coming up on Halloween, I’ll be doing some
posts on some books I sell at the bookstore that deal with the
supernatural side of New England, as well as a post or two about
the witches in my family!


  1. Sounds great! I look forward to reading those posts!

  2. I'm glad to hear that The Naked Quaker is good. I just ordered it myself. My New England ancestors were mostly Puritans and Baptists, but some of them did make their way into the court system so I thought it would be useful from that angle.
