
Thursday, March 22, 2007


I’ve just been googling the word “genealogy” and had
to stop as frustration set in.

I check the Google blog search engine once or twice a
day, sort of trolling for sites that might have a family
name that might be related to those on my own tree,
or for sites that have tips and hints that would help me.
And I have found several.

But what I am finding also is an increasing number of
junk sites(I won’t use the word I actually call them)
that are just a list of random words or phrases thrown
together that show up because the word “genealogy” is
among the list.I never visit one of these sites since I
suspect they are meant to lure you a someplace where
you can be hit with a cookie or for some other nefarious
but no doubt profitable purpose.

Obviously these internet phishers are taking advantage
of the popularity of online genealogy research.

I limit the google search to either the “last hour” or “last
twelve hours”. Even so, out of the 378 sites listed for the
last twelve hours, most of them were those “junk sites”.


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